0039 Flowing Into Abundance with Rick Gault

What does it take to be forever in flow?

What does it take to be in perfect alignment?

Living life in perfect alignment?

Rick is a holistic life coach who works with individuals who want to grow spiritually and integrate their spiritual practice within their existing way of life and/or business. Rick has had spiritual experiences since childhood. As a result, he was always looking for ways to explore and understand his inner life. He graduated with a degree in psychology and ended up teaching meditation for 10 years before starting a successful 30 year business career as an executive in a series of firms consulting to the government. Rick is now pursuing a coaching career to help others on a spiritual path. He also currently supports the programs of his friend, David Adelson, a respected healer and inventor of spiritual programs such as Peace & Harmony and Forever in Flow.

Here's the streaming link Rick mentioned


Definitely worth checking out.

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