Listen in as Marguerita Vorbioff shares with us the Sound of Light.
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Marguerita for a few years now and I think you will be very impressed with her “performance” on the interview.
Marguerita Vorobioff is an author, international speaker, mindset mentor and light worker. Her passion is to empower others to reconnect with their true power and potential. She helps raise awareness and consciousness through the power of coaching and sound and energy healing.
After training as an opera singer for 15 years, she was led on an unexpected journey to discover her ability to raise peoples consciousness and help them heal through the power of her voice. Now she is a healing channel and uses her voice to help people reconnect with their divinity and power through sound healing and a variety of other powerful energy techniques.
Marguerita lives, works and plays on beautiful Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast Hinterland with her husband, 3 dogs and 2 horses.
Marguerita is willing to offer all of our listeners a free eft abundance tapping training.
We hope you enjoy the interview, we’d love to hear your comments.
Do you sing in lightcode?