It was great to chat with Michelle Luehman.
She’s going to show us some easy ways to develop your spiritual connection by focusing on 5 foundational tools:
2. Earthing
3. Binding
4. Contracts
5. Cleansing
You can reach Michelle
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Full Transcript:
Barbara Longue
We are live. Welcome to the vortex energy podcast. We tried this two days ago, it failed miserably, just too terrible internet connection. And now Sue was on here as well and she just dropped out suddenly. But we do have Michelle Luehman who we’ve been trying really hard to talk to because she’s got some great info for us. Welcome Michelle
Barbara Longue
Just debating if anyway, see how this goes. Anyway, we wanted to talk with Michelle today because she came by to visit a few weeks ago. And she’s doing some really awesome things here in Tasmania in Hobart, working with people and she’s created an entire soul journey Academy, all about spiritual awakening. We’re like, Oh my god, this is exactly what we do. This is so awesome to meet Kindred souls, helping the planet and helping everyone on the planet to raise their vibration. So give me one second, let me just see where Sue is. You can tell this is live. Give me one sec. Have a cup of tea. Be back. So what does it say?
Barbara Longue
Really? Okay, we’re hoping to get Sue back on live soon. But in the meantime, Michelle, tell us a little bit about your spiritual journey.
Oh, okay. Well, my spiritual journey began really early. I’m a descendant from both sides of the family in terms of whether you want to call it witching or whether you want to call it spiritual awakening. So I was the strange kid always had invisible friends.
Barbara Longue
With your friends, no one could see.
Everyone else say the bright good. They’re my best mates. And I could see sparkles and journeys and all this sort of stuff. And of course I to survive at school, I had to let all that go. And then in my late 30s, after I my Nana, who was my dad’s mom had passed away many years ago. And then an auntie came to me and gave me a crystal in a necklace and said, Nana always said to give this to you, well, then there was no that was it just connected me straight into the spiritual world, almost out of control. Because you know, once you connect to that superhighway, and particularly if you haven’t had any schooling or teaching about some of the you know, essentials, which we’ll talk about later, those five, what I call the five foundations, you just get flooded because the word goes out. So then wherever I went, I had my friends back, but in really large numbers, and no filter. So I had everything calling in. And then through another strange coincidence where someone gave me a crystal, someone else I didn’t know said I’ve got to give you this and they gave me another crystal and it was an earthen crystal. And it was Yeah, that’s right. It was an egg and that was like boom. And then I started to get control back. Perfect in terms of not being so completely open. And then that started me on a whole range of maybe coincidences but I started working with the mother from India. She came and we did some tutoring. Lucky she tutored me. She gave me a beautiful name called Emma shindy, which is mother temple, which I completely ran away from because it’s a big name. So I ran fine. And then I went and traveled to Bali for my business and met a lot of shamans and studied with them, and they were really into healing in Bali. It’s all about the ones I started before in healing. And then I winded up living in a country called Laos. And in LAO, I got really deeply into meditation. I’d started doing meditation in Singapore with these big crystals and I made big crystals. And, and then in meditation or in Laos, I became meditation master. And that meditation master took me on all hours of meditating takes you on a lot of trips. And in Lao Buddhism is mixed with amnestic. So they use the shamanism and the Buddhism and they bring it together in the temples. So it’s a great place for me to learn spirituality. So that’s been my trip. And then COVID I’m in Hobart. So there you are at the patron. And Helen and Lynn just opened up her arms, and I needed her to open her arms because I was a bit in shell shock. But it’s been great. So that’s been my journey.
Barbara Longue
So what kind of what kind of work were you doing when you were traveling in Singapore? In Lao what what was your?
Well, the primary Singapore Lao is I started off channeling spirits. And housecleaning because you Singapore’s got to really
Barbara Longue
sell a lot of people need that both? Clear the spirits out of the houses? Yeah.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I was doing. Because Singapore has got a huge history of violence from World War Two. So lots of people, particularly the experts, they’re all living in these old war, World War two houses, and it’s full of people who haven’t moved on. So a lot of what I was doing was cleaning, and I cleaned both energies, and what I call entities, you know, language is really difficult in the spiritual world, because we’re all coming to it from different pathways, right. And there’s not one book that says, This is the word where, you know, we’re studying our whole range of different handing being handed down by teachers and parents and families and spirits. So spirits for me, people, all things that have worked on the earth, but entities, perhaps not so much. So I was doing a lot of cleansing, you know, and a lot of channeling for people. And it was in Singapore, when I got into doing Tarot. And I got into this group, and really nice group of all different disciplines. And that’s when we started to do a lot of really deep meditation with the chakras. So that’s what I was doing in Singapore. Now I left that when I went to LAO. And I started going right deep into both animism and Buddhism, and looking at not just looking at meditation, but what meditation gave me was a real ability when I’m working with spirits, to get really focused really quickly. So it really gave me great control over my mind. Oh, yeah. And as a result of that, it really allowed me to open my mind up. So I then started doing a lot of distance work. Again, it was distance work around cleansing. And now I started to get more into healing, because animalism is a lot about healing. And then the other thing I was doing a little bit in LA, which was surprising to me was I was starting when people were using these skills to harm others, because one of the things that I travel with all the time is first do no harm. Yeah.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, that’s it.
So yeah, like regardless of whether it’s an entity or being a place, person, whatever, first do no harm. And when you get to a certain point, in your spiritual ism, it’s a bit of a head rush to feel that power and to feel your capacity to play with energies. So I was doing a little bit of work with people who had perhaps got a little bit too much into the defining their ego through their capacity.
Barbara Longue
That is what that is what happens a lot, isn’t it? That ego jumps back in Yeah.
Ego jumps back in and and what starts off with the best of intentions can easily end up being what would be the word for it? Self exploitation of that skill that of that or that being. So I actually spend a lot of time working with my higher self and my guides. And I question a lot what I do and how I’m doing it. Just to make sure I’m on the right. path. Yeah, speak, you know that my ego is not running a Mac. And even sometimes when I get messages to do things, I have the big. I’m not the Oh, yes, sir. No, sir. Three bags full, sir. I’m the Oh, wait a minute. you asking me to do what?
Barbara Longue
Yeah. Well, it is being clear who’s coming through. Because, yeah, people always think, Oh, I have a guide, or I’m channeling someone that it’s always somebody good? Well, not necessarily. You know,
one of the things that I say, Yeah, I look at people, I go, Hey, don’t be sure that this spirit superhighway that everyone’s got your back, because that’s not Yeah, it is, you know, some people are just playful. Some people are not playful, they’re downright, you know, a bit been a positive and nasty. And if you and I as I do, if you’re working from people who are entities that are not from this plane, their rules are different, right? their rules of engagement are different. So it’s not necessarily that they’re being particularly nasty, but they have a different way of doing things. So you got to be really clear, you know, and about, who am I interacting with? And what’s the intention behind this? And, and, and that gives you a greater sense of trust, and you’ve really got to go with your gut sometimes and go, No, no, this needs to slow right down. got the wrong feel this has got the wrong, you know, energy about, oh, I feel uncomfortable about it. Because if they’re there, and they’re your guides, and they’re wanting you to do something, but you feel uncomfortable, they will give you the support. Now, if they’re not your guides, they’re just going to try to coerce you or push you into doing it. And there’s a difference between the level of support. But anyway, that’s something that I actually try and help people try and discern, you know,
Barbara Longue
what I was gonna say, that’s a huge thing for people to be able to discern, and I find that that conversation isn’t had often enough that they need to be able to discern what those nuances are.
Yeah, I totally, I totally get that. But I think that’s because we get a bit excited about working with spirit. Right? It’s about let’s be honest. It’s a total buzz. And, and so we go, Oh, this is all gonna be good. And you’re going. You know, because we noticed not good, because I’ll just give you an example. I there’s a lady I’ve been working with. And
Barbara Longue
she keeps without sharing any names. Yeah. No, I said without showing any names
Michelle Luehman
or places, or countries. So by the way, I work all around the world. So this is not even here. Yeah. So it’s empty. He keeps telling me that the family’s completely comfortable with the spirit. I go, Well, that’s good. But she said, I’m worried because the dogs don’t like it. And I go, Oh, honey. Yeah. Trust your dogs.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, they’re not
comfortable with what’s going down in your house. You yourself if you’re comfortable with what’s going down on your house, but this is this. This is this intuition that we talked about this this this trusting that it’s okay to say no.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, said I think it’s, I think, yeah, and what you’re showing as well as people can easily delude themselves into thinking, Oh, this is all good. Because they came down there from the from here, and I’m getting all these, this, whatever is happening, and they’re flattered, you know, like, oh, some spirits in my house. It goes lives in my place. And it’s not always good. Yeah, it’s not always something to go. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so that’s,
I think that’s really Right. I mean, and we should be flattered. I mean, it’s great that they choose to speak with us. But we’ve we it’s the same as talking with people. You’ve got Be a little bit sharp about sometimes when you’re talking to people about who’s genuine and who’s not genuine. And we know that in our own relationships with people, we might interact with someone in a coffee shop, and it’s really pleasant, but we walk away. And they’re not lifelong friends did not a big connection. And sometimes the spirit world is like that someone pops in. Thank you so much for popping in. But see you later. This is not working for me.
Barbara Longue
I want to give a shout out to some of our guests who are commenting here from Tad’s. We’ve got chana drumming and Holly Watson and Karen polden. So thanks for joining in. And please leave your comments or any questions you have for Michelle, because we’re going to dive deep into what are some of the things that you can actually do to help develop your spiritual connection to the entities and the guides that you would like to hear from?
Yeah, I think so because I put together a bit of what we talked about earlier, a bit of a spiritual awakening guide. And I’ve put five foundation skills in and there’s intent and intention, which we could talk about all day, earthing, which I think most of us got really aware of binding, contracts and cleansing. And these are my five foundations, I think if you can get them under your belt as a skill, it’s going to set you up for life. But one of the things that we’ve been talking about a lot, it is in all of this is this element of staying. And, and I love this whole idea about staying Earth, but I do find a lot of practices, it’s not particularly sexy.
The flying around, you know, when your asteroid trips and having everybody poppy or even when you’re meditating, opening up the highest chakras and having a great out of body experience. Now that’s sexy.
Barbara Longue
But yeah, no, you’re right, you’re right.
Yeah, right. That’s really sexy. It’s a big bonus. But that foundation work of those lower chakras and, and keeping yourself conscious that you’re, you’re having a physical experience, we’re here for a reason. You know, we are spiritual beings are capable of being spiritual beings, but we’re here on Earth, in a physical body. And this is where we’re choosing to be. So you got to, we got to honor that. We got to honor that. And we have to protect that as well. Because you know, you do see people who have lost that connection, and they’re just, you know, off with the fairies, as the saying goes all day, every day. That’s not who you are.
Barbara Longue
It’s really funny that this conversations come up, because it’s a conversation I have, I have relatively often with people because that disconnect between the amazing things that can happen in the skies open up and he travels of astral plane in meditation, and the reality of saying, we’re here, this physical body, and how do we merge and explore that consciousness that we are here? right here right now? And that is to me, I think, really the big question. It’s not Can you meditate and go go someplace? It’s Can you bring and be that place here? And how do we develop that connection? Oh, so I’m really thrilled to
have Yeah, partly with you. Because my whole thing is, if you cannot bring that into your life here, and live a spiritual life in the physical plane, then you haven’t mastered spirituality. Yeah, you’re still playing, but you haven’t mastered it. Because mastering it is to take is not just to get excited about what you’re doing. But to understand on each one of these little trips. You’re someone’s trying to impart some information or some understanding to you. And I want you to take that experience and bring it back and bring it into your life and integrate it into who you are, and to live it on a daily life. So to me, spirituality is not something happens at 8pm when you’re meditating, right? Yeah, that’s not that’s not what it is. It’s something that we’re trying to live. We’re trying to live connected, but still Earth.
Barbara Longue
Exactly, exactly. So and that’s what I’d like to come back to, if you could just very clearly for everyone, just run through those five levels that you talk about is your basic foundations again so that they can understand and maybe give us some little tips on How they would apply that? Because the word sounds so simple it was, yeah, yeah, I know that. But it really is about how to apply these five foundational skills into their life. So yeah, I’m gonna let you take this,
I will, okay. And the other thing about applying them is applying them not just consciously but applying them to the point where they become subconscious. So they get they they Garner everything you do. So I put the first one out is the intent, which we all talk about a lot. But to me intent is when we have a complete harmony of thought, word, emotion, and action. Now we’re trying to do it’s a blending of heart and mind, where we’re giving a true statement of what we’re trying to do and achieve. And not just achieve in terms of flying, but achieving our life with the every action that we’re doing. So why are we so
Barbara Longue
I want to just highlight that, can I just highlight that for a second? Because you’re one of the few people I’ve heard mentioned action with that intent. People often consider action. It’s something theoretical, or it’s, you know, emotional, it’s the words, but to have action to that intent is to me the force behind all of the secrets that everyone talks about the secret to spiritual spirituality.
Yeah. Because what is the point if we don’t actualize it? What’s the point of Yeah, enact it?
Barbara Longue
Right? Yeah.
It stays a theory.
Barbara Longue
We’re not bringing in a theory and a concept. Maybe
you didn’t? Well, law is the enacting of it. That’s what I’d say. Yeah. Yeah. So I because I’m all about the inaction more about let’s do it. Let’s not talk about it. We could talk about I could talk about to the cows come home, but I like to do it.
Barbara Longue
So what how do you how do you What’s your best tip for yourself to bring that action to that intent that you’ve created?
Okay, so I, what I want I do with people is what I do with myself is I think about how do I want that to be on a day to day basis? How do I want that to be in my life? So one of the things is get this example, I talked to people, it’s a very clear example, but we’re talking about manifesting and someone says, I want to manifest I want to happy alive, and we’ve got to go What is a happier life? Yeah. And because if you, if you just say I want a happy life, and you put no definition around that, you’re leaving that up to somebody else. To give you a happy life, and it’s like coming, ready or not. As up to their definition, and it’s like they don’t live your life, your gods and spirits. Who knows where they’ve come from. And let’s just say you’ve got a guide from ancient Egypt, a happy life in ancient Egypt is not the same as a happy life in downtown Hobart.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, exactly. So yeah. So if you’re
asking them to help you have a happy life, you got to help them help you. And the way to do that is to get greater clarity about what you want. And it’s the same as saying, I really want to learn, what do you want to learn? And it’s the spending the time to think about it before you jump in and do it. So again, this is fine balance between what are you trusting? Because to me, if we’re not putting that definition in, we’re not trusting ourselves. If we can’t trust ourselves, why are we just handing it all over to someone else to take care of our lives? Where he Yeah, this is our life. And in many ways we chose this life. So make the most of it. Really get to grips with it. So that’s what I’ve got. To be honest, I’ll be really honest with you, that was one of the key learnings that Buddhism gave me the study of Buddhism, because it’s really about being really clear about what your intent is. And I describe in 10 in terms of you living your life here now. So it was really interesting, but I think that’s, that’s, yeah, so to me, that’s what intention is, it’s it’s about you, bringing everything back to you living a spiritual life here on this earth in this life and incorporating incorporating that into who you are. That’s what it is. Okay,
Barbara Longue
I love that I think that you’ve explained that very beautifully. So thank you for that. And the next one is not everybody explains it. Clearly incoherently. So that was good. The next one he talked about was earthing. And that’s something that’s, that’s, I think a lot of people again, have an idea that they know what that is. But they don’t, in my mind, they don’t actually apply it on a daily basis. So why don’t you tell us how you view earthing? And?
Okay, yeah, well, to me, that’s this whole concept of bonding your spiritual self, to your physical self. that’s, to me, that’s the earthing and with the sense that your physical self is off the earth, and walking on the earth. And what it is, is it is this capacity of keeping us, I see it as keeping us safe. But I also see it as keeping us rooted in our lives, anchored in our lives, and giving that respect to the fact that what we do impacts not just as on a physical level, but impact physically on the world around us. So it is that whole process of making sure that we honor and respect that physical element. And if you like the humanity of of our experience, and humanity, we can, we can deny it or rely, but but we are totally dependent and of this earth. And this is where we’re trying to get that mixed, isn’t it between the spirituality, and then bring it down. But what I love about animism, and the study of animism, and this is also to do I think weaker, is that they absolutely recognize that you must honor the earth, you must honor the plants, the trees, the earth itself, the stones, the crystals. So it’s that kind of process of, of honoring, where we are living, and the fact that we couldn’t live without it. And then really being clear that this is who we are, and this is who we are meant to be. And that we value our nine to five as much as we value. Our APA meditation, we were off, you know, asteroid surfing, so we’ve got to value our day to day life. And this is I think, the dilemma for us when we start because we go off and have these sexy mind experiences in our day to day life may not be that sexy, you know, it’s dishes, you know, it’s right, that if we are following the Buddhist experience, and we follow the concept of mindfulness, you really get into washing the dishes, so that it actually becomes a mind body experience when you wash the dishes. So
Barbara Longue
I’m with you. 100%. I think that’s, that is about bringing that consciousness into not just every day, but all day 24 seven, it’s not about there’s a separation from Oh, now I’m being spiritual, I’m going to go do my yoga, or my Qigong or my meditation, and then the rest of time. No, I’m not, I’m back to human. We are that consciousness already. And it’s allowing that to be witnessed that
one of the things is really interesting when I used to teach people this kind of story for long periods of time and teach them meditation. And, and I and I used to say, what’s one of the things you hate doing? and nine times out of 10? Was the dishes. And I would say, okay, you are on the path when you start finding a way to enjoy doing the dishes. Yeah, and I think that’s quite true.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, and to love the dishes.
Okay to love the dishes because you know, you get to do because you going well, I’m grateful I had a really lovely meal. I can see them the rainbows in the bubbles, you know, you start always not so. So you start getting into the Texas and you that’s where mindfulness, this is the difficulty. Mindfulness is about, I enjoy doing the dishes, because I’m really focusing on getting the dishes done. And that’s my priority for this period of time. And when you start doing things like that, it challenges you on a whole other level. Because it completely challenges our everyday perception of what being spiritual is.
Barbara Longue
I agree with them because I think Yeah,
yeah. And it’s interesting about challenging yourself on that level. Yeah.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, yeah, no, that’s fascinating. Good.
I like the young woman and her thing is that she loves to clean a space and get it sparkling. And I mean, she loves it. But in that moment, she’s so into what she’s doing. That’s actually almost beautiful. When you go, see, this is what it’s about. Some people think that’s the most boring thing on the planet to do. She’s taken it and turned it into an art form. Because she’s so into what she’s doing at that moment. And that’s beautiful with anybody when you see anybody who’s into so into what they’re doing, it’s a beautiful thing to observe and see, isn’t it? It’s like, wow,
Barbara Longue
no, it really is. And I wanted to just jump on Janet’s made a comment here, reflection on the conversation, she says, she thinks the connection of spirit to daily life journey is never mastered as such, which is just my viewpoint, I think it’s a continuum. And I traverse it throughout life, sometimes more connected to spirit, sometimes less connected. But to tune in to spirit is what I can do on a daily basis and listen to the soft voice is guiding me.
Beautiful, beautiful, exactly, totally with you about that learning thing. Because that’s what I love about this, there’s no end. It’s a it’s a, if you choose, you can take this as far as you want. If you choose, if you choose to stop, that’s okay. But if you choose to continue, fabulous, absolutely fabulous. Who knows where it’s gonna fall?
Barbara Longue
So there’s, there’s a brand new challenge or something coming up, there’s a brand new situation, you know, all you have to do is look at how dramatic The challenge was of COVID. And here in Tasmania, we’ve been relatively more than relatively spared. We’ve been completely spared compared to the challenges other people on the planet have faced. And it’s, you know, talk about something that came out of the blue go, oh, here deal with this now, do don’t figure this out. Right.
And, and and and that’s the challenge, isn’t it when something unexpected happens, how we deal with that. And that’s and getting back to what Janet was, was Jennifer was saying, when we feel on that it’s when this unexpected stuff happens, and how I react to it. That’s when I know how I’m doing whether I’ve actually integrated the spirituality in it or on that day, I’m just pissed. And it’s all been washed away, and I’m having to go back in. But there are always those moments. And that’s it. See when life is easy. It’s It’s It’s the test is when something pops up, and you got to deal with it. And it’s unexpected, right? That’s that’s the test. Exactly. So Todd, yeah, I’m 100% with you. Right? If you I think that’s great. Absolutely. Absolutely. And just so you know, whenever I think I finished the lesson, I always get what I call the wet fish in the face. You know, I get all the other stuff again.
Barbara Longue
That’s very funny. That because that is exactly what it is just check again, the test he does make sure did you really learn that? Is that? Is that really something you’ve accomplished? Yep. Yeah. But tell us again. So your third aspect, your third tip is what you call binding. So tell us a little bit about that.
Okay, so my fundamental belief is that there are, if you like, different planes, and not only on different planes, there’s different forms of that. So we’ve got our energetic self, we’ve got a spiritual self, we’ve got a, and we’ve got our physical self, and we’re capable of splitting those up and having our little journeys. So the body might remain in the room. But the energetic self is off doing something the spiritual self is off doing something. And bonding is that process of making sure when we’re finished, we bring everything back in, as back in and connected, okay, because we’ve all had that experience, where I’m assuming most of us have had that experience where we know we haven’t been in our bodies, we’ve been doing our day to day stuff that something’s and and that’s a normal process in terms of the learning process, right? For some reason, you’ve been invited to and they’ve taken you on a journey and you’re doing your learning. But again, talking about what we are physical beings, we’ve got to make sure we bring it all back and bring it back in, and that we spend most of our time spiritual, energetic and self physical self, not just connected, but integrated. Yeah, so that we can take that learning and pull it through all the different combinations. So it makes sense to us. So that’s what we’re gonna be. That’s what we’re gonna be doing. So that’s the binding the binding is just making sure after we’ve had our little trips or healings or whatever it is that we bring everything back in. And we bring it into this connectedness not just connected us, but integrated, so that the learning can take place. So that we are one, because we are designed to be one. But we just have the capacity at times to be more than one that we are designed to be.
Barbara Longue
Yeah, I agree with you. And there’s a great comment from Karen, who says she loves the washing the dishes and its concept. This is so true. I’m going to try to be mindful when delivering the mail in the rain tomorrow. I shall embrace the moment. That is,
yeah, that is a big challenge. And if you do that, I want to know,
Barbara Longue
you’re gonna have to post back here tomorrow morning, Karen, and let us know how that goes. Because that is the shift. You know, I talk about this every morning, because I still do the cold showers. I’ve been doing it for over three years now. And it’s not about suffering, or being painful or being an aesthetic. It’s saying, I make my brain make the shift from saying, Oh my god, this is so frigging freezing to saying, Oh, it’s okay. It’s just, it’s just cold water. And then I get out and I’m so warm when I get out. And so that’s my test that I do to myself every day. I consider it a sport, but it’s it’s waiting for that switch to flip. And to say, maybe something is painful that you’re doing you go Okay, it’s not so bad. It’s not bad at all, you know?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And I say when you do that, that’s the elevator itself. Because that’s when you start to understand how powerful the intention is, how powerful without thought, and emotion and words and into action. That’s how powerful it is. All of a sudden, it goes from, oh, my God, you do want to Oh, yeah, rock, rock, rock. And that’s, and that’s when you really start to get the most out of your life, you know, when you can do things like that? Because then it just set you up. And then it becomes Well, what’s a challenge? I could do that. Okay. Yeah, do that. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. You’ve taken the Ice Bucket Challenge on with vengeance.
Barbara Longue
It’s not ice bucket. It’s just cold water. But you know, it is. And it’s, I consider the sport or concert, you know, isn’t it? because no one’s pretending that it’s pleasant to get in there? I don’t I don’t pretend that no, and it is very hard.
I think that just look, I think that’s also what you just said, is so important. It’s not about coding everything, what I call unicorns and rainbows. You got to be really honest about this. I mean, there’s times when I go to meditate, and it’s hard yards to get into that state. And when you’re learning these things, often it’s hard yards. But that’s what also what learning is many think about what we’re doing. And particularly as adults, we’re taking one way that we’ve been thinking about ourselves alive and right and wrong. And we’ve decided, we’re going to change that, of course, it’s going to be difficult, you know, it’s not easy, because we’re going now that habit, or that thing that I’ve been doing for the last 10 years, and maybe that thing you were doing for the last 10 years was great and valid and got you through some tough shit. Now, all of a sudden, you going, No, I’m not going to serve this purpose. I want to change that now. That’s not easy. That’s really hard. And to do it every day for three years, and know that you’ve got to be thinking about doing it. It’s hard. So just so you know, I always have to think before I wash the dishes. Because that’s my heart because,
Barbara Longue
yeah, like to make that shift. It’s got to be the same. Like you got to you got to wait for that mental shift to happen. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cuz otherwise you’re just doing the dishes. Right?
Otherwise you just do the dishes, otherwise you’re just doing the culture on it and they go more into the culture and you go because it’s good for you. You go No, no, no. You got to do more than just because it’s good for you. So anyway, yeah, so and that’s the whole that’s the whole gambit, isn’t it? And I suppose all that’s trying to understand our motivations and and again, getting back to it maybe that’s also to do with the intent. I’ve done I understand the getting high from you know, the bars of Astro travel and leaving your body and all of that but after a while, you’ve got to ask yourself, What am I Why are we doing this? What are we getting out of this? So anyway, I have a thing called contracts and and the reason I bought this is because probably based on my work in Singapore when I was ghostbusting but and this also gets back to this spiritual superhighway and not everyone’s got your back don’t interact with entities or spirits you know they should not be asking you to do that if I do this will you do that? That’s not what it’s about. Or if you do this I’ll do this for you. Again that should be a real red flag that this is not a healthy relationship but a lot of people get sucked in and start doing it you know oh I put up with having a spirit in my house because he you know, it’s really exciting and he tells me it’s good to have a spirit no no you know so I’m really into making sure that if you are working with spirits and entities so I just put my screen back on if you’re are working with spirits and entities that you’re doing this because you are happy to do it and you’ve reached an understanding with each other and that it’s it’s all a given take and it’s freely given and is really taken if you know what I mean because in some of my ghostbusting I do work with some strong entities that come from different planes if I’m working with something that is quite powerful and doesn’t need to be the what I do is I have to get it back to where it came from safely so I do work sometimes with another being who I set free and he does that for me and he said to me Should we set up a contract because he’s the previous human he worked with he had a contract and I said no I broke that contract so you could be free I’m not putting another Yeah, yeah. So no so I’m really into you know, you know, have some agreements with them have some boundaries with them but I’m not into having a a contract it’s more like have some guidelines which review have some agreements that you review have some boundaries that you review, but you know, be really wary of anyone or any entity that starts to set up a contract with your behavior contract with you that’s kind of not the way well it’s like what you’re doing with the vortex you’re the guardians of it, but you’re not there’s no contractual arrangement it’s you’re willingly giving out your time energy and spiritual ability to do it. Right. And then in response to that, the energies around the vortex are giving back to you. And that’s that should be
Barbara Longue
Yeah, yeah. Tell us a little bit about your last key for for this spiritual awakening
the cleansing Okay, well this has got to do with the fact that when we open up we’re highly porous, let’s just say so we’re completely open up to experience and entities and when we are in and we are at least we’re experimenting we’re traveling we’re meeting we’re saying hi to people, we’re working with our guides when we open up it’s a bit of just going to people like we’re going on a social media platform our profiles gone up but we might have done the privacy checks so
Barbara Longue
I like that definition. Yeah.
So then there’s a new one you know at number 42 Let’s
Barbara Longue
get a fresh one. The fresh water Yeah, let’s
go check this one out. Yeah. And like I said they all come in. And Okay you guys come in and some nice people from your family come in but let’s face when we say everyone comes in, you know the guy that used a used to deliver the mail 100 years ago he might pop in and you know you never know who’s gonna pop in. And they might also be what I call these, you know, entities or remains which are a little bit you know, you know, when you walk in a room and you get that feeling any goal or a particular space and you go through and that’s the bit I’m talking about. So, when we are first beginning and when we each time we go on a new level of learning and exposure. We are always going back to the beginning so we are open and it’s really important to make sure that we keep our spaces clean. We keep our person plain, you know because I do have removed a nap room. entities that are hooked to ride some things that have just come in and decided to be with a certain person and won’t leave. We can pick up something I like found objects or like secondhand objects, but you can easily pick up something with one of those that’s just decided to attach itself. So one of the things you got to do is trust your instinct. If you’re feeling uncomfortable about anything, if you’re feeling like you’re not quite yourself, or you feel a bit dirty, you got to give yourself a cleansing. Now 1001 ways to cleanse Sage salt, I still use salt. Strain natives are great for cleansing. And a wonder why that is, you know, we’ve got so many Australian native central oils that are great for cleansing.
Barbara Longue
And so tell me, how would you use one of the, how would you use an Australian essential oil for cleansing? Well, I
used Eucalyptus and blue gum all the time. And I I have them I can put them in the few drops and I have the mud fusing out. Sometimes what I do as I use them like and anointment and I close over the third eye, the throat, the chest. I can do it like that. I might even just do make them into a spray and spray them you know around the room. Sometimes if I find I’m doing a lot of traveling at night, I spray the beard.
Barbara Longue
So that’s interesting because you’re the first person I’ve heard say to use it the Australian natives but it makes perfect sense.
Well, Eucalyptus like perfectly blue comes really good for cleansing lockpick because they’re also healers like they got antibiotic products, they got antiviral, right, I found a great for Yeah, they’re really good. And they’re really good for healing. I’m surprised how often when I’m channeling, they come up. So I would use them. So I just use them in the infusion, I use them in a spray. And sometimes I use them on on on me, I find Third Eye wrists and chest is almost like my protection, you know, triangle entails of getting that done. Look and sometimes if I feel as I might put it on like a scrubber and just give my body a little scrub in the shower with some salt, just yeah, you know, spruce it all up. So that’s why that’s how I use them. But I think it’s a really important sort of, it’s a really important ritual to get in the habit of just making sure that everything is clean, and you will clean now spiritually.
Barbara Longue
So let’s just do a quick recap for everybody. Yep, yep. So do a quick recap on the five tips for to develop their spiritual awakening.
Okay, so this EFI foundation tips. First of all gets get your intention sorted. Just really understand what you’re doing it and why you’re doing it. And have you like a bit of an endpoint. I’m doing this to achieve this for my life here. earthing is really important. We are having an have chosen to have an earthly experience we’re living here. And our Earth is really our mother she provides for us. So honor that Earth, and keep yourself earth so you keep that humanity connection going, because that’s who we are binding, go off and have your trips. That’s what life’s about. But when we come back, integrate everything so that you are one and that you that learning can happen so that what you’ve learned in the spiritual realm can integrate with the energetic realm can integrate, integrate with the physical realm to the contracts, any entity or spiritual being that asked you to sign a contract, be really wary, because that’s not how it works. It works on faith and trust and reports and reports. What’s the common new reciprocal, reciprocal allottee? I’m going to say but there’s repository I think it works on given take, don’t get the word out. And the last one is Clarissa prosity.
Barbara Longue
reciprocity, thank you so much works on reciprocity, we give, retake enroll balances out in the end. And the last one is the cleansing and that’s about keeping ourselves safe. And making sure that our body and our space so energetic in a spiritual space, and our physical spaces, and our physical body is sacred and is cleansed. And that just keeps you safe. It keeps you on top of your game. That’s it. That’s your five.
Barbara Longue
Awesome, so thank you so much for coming on, Michelle. So how can people reach you who what More info
oh you can even find me I’ve got my businesses soul journey Academy there’s a Facebook there’s a website you can do that I met the page in cap in Hyderabad so you can ring the paging cup and get in contact with me and I’ll give you if you’re interested the number is 04747319580474731958 if I don’t answer just leave a message is because I’m working with someone else. Or alternatively I put the phone on silent or not the button
Barbara Longue
sounds good.
Because I’m busy doing my thing.
Barbara Longue
Well, you bet you’ve been great today, Michelle, and it’s taken us a while to get make this happen. And I’m really thrilled that we were able to have this conversation because I think those are some really, really key points to help people today how to improve what they do in their daily life. So I really want to thank you so much for joining us. And I thought to my we might catch him on at some point but we’ll we’ll get to on the next call. And hopefully we’ll see you up here again. So
yeah, I think so too. That’d be great. Okay, guys.
Barbara Longue
Awesome. Thanks. Bye bye.