Earthkeeper Barbara Susan Christiansen: 

The History of The Tasmanian Vortex


“ If you want adventure follow your inner voice! ”

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    Inspirational: this book will inspire you to follow your inner voice.
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    Spiritual: how to find and connect to nature all around you and the energy lines of the earth.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

An Illuminating read for the spiritual seeker !!!

11 December 2018

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

After experience the energies of the Tasmanian vortex personally on several occasions, this book provides a captivating and profound overview of its powerful evolution as an important and pristine sacred site of the Southern Hemisphere. Hearing these stories from Earthkeeper and Grandmother Sue, I have a great appreciation for the assistance that was given to her to anchor and radiate the gifts of the vortex site through the ley lines and the greater diamond earth grid. I loved reading about the energies of the sacred sites she was guided to, and the messages of the unseen guides and multidimensional beings she works with , the book is a fascinating journey into the field of synchronicity and a must read for any earth steward or spiritual seeker, I Absolute loved this book !!!

Katie Kempster

5.0 out of 5 stars 

A magical must read for anyone following a spiritual path.

14 December 2018

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

I Loved this book! The author had my attention all the way...she took me on a fascinating journey...a part of her journey! I was walking her path with her as I read her words. Her Truth and Integrity are visibly woven with Love/Light throughout the book. This was a magical read for me because I also experience interdimensional connections and it is always fascinating and validating for me to read about the experiences of others. I would especially recommend this book to anyone interested in understanding more about sacred sites and energy...especially vortexes and the important role they play at this time in the evolution of our Beloved Mother Earth/Gaia/Sophia. The enlightened Beings known as the Earthkeepers chose to return at this time to assist Her with this process, and to complete the work that was initiated by them aeons ago.

Robyn Dana

I loved the book..and..

Will buy as paper back.  (It's a real book then,!)  




Gaye Willox 

In this book you will discover:

How to follow your inner promptings

Most people are very busy looking for advice and guidance from outside when the truth is they need to get better at listening to their own inner voice.

Walk the path to sacred sites around the planet

Journey with Sue as she visits sacred sites around the energy and feel for yourself the energies as you read.

Why your own story of awakening is so important

Your own story of awakening is there if you listen.

Why the energy grids are so important

The energy needs to flow smoothly around the planet.

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