Bowen Moves: Mastering the Art of Subtle Healing

Bowen Therapy for Health & Wellness

Who is Jak Isaksen ?

For decades, Jak has been working in the health and community services sector Australia wide, promoting health and well-being on many levels.

Her diverse professional background and working experience has included nursing, case management and care co-ordination in aged care and disabilities ( urban and remotecommunities), practitioner in Bowen, Remedial Massage and Lymphoedema Therapy (ATMS & ALA accredited).

Over the past 8-9 years Jak has been based at St Marys Community Health Centre practicing Bowen Therapy and Lymphatic management.

How to reach Jak?

Send her an email at or text to: 00438.297.723


Holistic wellness and energy with a healthcare professional.0:00

Jack Isaacson, a practitioner in Bowen therapy and lymphatic management, discusses the differences between Bowen therapy and traditional remedial massage.

Bowen therapy and fascia with a holistic practitioner.1:37

Speaker 2 explains differences between bone therapy and remedial massage, highlighting gentleness and specificity of bone therapy.

Speaker 2 recounts their experience with sciatica and how they found relief through treatment with Jen Lowry, who they later became friends and colleagues with at a massage center in Tasmania.

Speaker 2 views fascia as an important aspect of holistic healing, explaining it in their own words as the transcript provides.

Bowen therapy and its effects on the body.6:51

Fascia is a complex connective tissue that supports and connects the body’s muscles, organs, and bones.

Jak explains Bowen therapy differs from massage, has gentle pressure to activate fascia and central nervous system.

Practitioner shares case study of young woman with anorexia who experienced menstruation return after Bhawan therapy.

Bowen therapy and its effects on the body.14:26

Jak describes Bowen therapy as a multi-dimensional approach that affects the body’s many layers, including hormones and energy work.

Jak believes Bowen therapy is a real energetic work that can activate different energetic sites in the body, leading to subtle changes and increased confidence.

Jak highlights the lack of contraindications for the Bowen technique, treating a wide range of conditions including autoimmune diseases and inflammation.

Jak emphasizes importance of gentle movement and hydration for general health after bone sessions.

Spirituality, healing, and personal growth.21:55

Jak discusses infinite possibilities for healing and consciousness, and their personal definitions of God and peace.

Jak discusses their beliefs on death and spirituality, offering self-love and forgiveness as key advice for those starting out on their spiritual path.

Jak discusses their new clinic and the benefits of Bowen therapy.

3 Health Tips for Self-Care:

1. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for overall health and well-being. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps maintain optimal body function, supports the body’s natural healing processes, and aids in the elimination of toxins.

2. Practice Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Engaging in mindfulness practices and stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga, can help reduce the impact of stress on the body. Stress management is crucial for promoting relaxation, supporting the body’s natural healing abilities, and maintaining overall health.

3. Prioritize Movement and Body Awareness: Regular physical activity, along with cultivating body awareness, can contribute to improved mobility, posture, and overall physical well-being. Incorporating gentle movement, such as walking, stretching, or yoga, can support the body’s natural balance and alignment, complementing the effects of Bowen therapy.


Okay, welcome everyone to the vortex energy podcast where we delve into the fascinating world of energetic and wellness space. Join us as we explore the latest trends, insights and innovations that are shaping the landscape of holistic well being. Get ready to unleash your energy potential and embark on the transformative journey towards vitality, balance and inner harmony. Tune in for captivating discussions and valuable discoveries that will elevate your understanding of energy, health and wellness. And today, I’m very excited to introduce Jack Isaacson, who’s been a good friend since I moved to Tasmania 10 years ago. So welcome, Jack.

Thank you, Barb. It’s a pleasure to be here with you.

Yeah, and Jack has been in the health and community services sector in Australia for decades promoting health and well being on many levels. Her diverse professional background and working experiences included nursing. I did not realize that know this until you told me your case management and care coordination in aged care disabilities, both urban and remote communities. She’s a practitioner in Bowen, remedial massage and Lymphedema Therapy. And as ATMs and ALA accredited. I’m not sure exactly what ALA accredited is, but I’m sure you’re gonna tell us. And for the past years, eight or nine years, Jack’s been based in St. Mary’s Community Health Center, practicing Bowen therapy, and lymphatic management. So welcome, Jack.

Thanks so much, Barb. Good to be here with you.

Yeah. So tell us a little bit about what is Bowen therapy versus traditional remedial massage?

Yeah, yeah, good question. And then some something that I guess I explained to new clients, and anybody who’s interested in those differences. All modalities offer something, you know, very similar in that, it’s all about well being and body balance. Bone therapy, compared to massage is quite a different modality. Bone therapy works with a series of gentle moves across very specific places in the body. And we’re basically working across what’s called the fascia of the body. And maybe I can go into that a little bit deeper in a while. But yeah, so so. So it’s very gentle work, but it’s very effective. And then when we do things, we leave the body to rest for a couple of minutes. And that waiting period is really crucial. So in parallel with the remedial massage, and in comparison, remedial massage, or a massage really often oil is used, whereas bone therapy, no oil is used. Massage, remedial massage, is there’s a lot of movement of, of joints, muscles, often there can be muscle, any deep movements made. It can be deeper work, you can use trigger points, you can use different my facial techniques. So it’s the pressure is a big difference really, with with both of them.

Yeah. And what first attracted you to Bowen therapy? Or how did you get exposed to it?

Yeah, right. Well, I’ve always had, I’ve always had a huge interest in natural therapies. Since I was really young, actually, you know, I can remember having some attraction, to you know, mess out and herbs and that kind of thing, probably even at a young age of like 11 and 12. And I thought I could study something like that, or, you know, there was always that sort of basic attraction. So I guess, when I was, in my early 20s, I had moved to Tasmania from from the mainland Australia, and I was living and working in a community in the south of Tasmania, and I was doing a lot of physical work, and I developed sciatica. And I’d heard about this bone practitioner who was working just outside of Hobart Jen Lowry. Her name is Anne And I was told that, you know, she was really good in helping with this kind of thing. So, consequently, I booked in first with Jen, and I was blown away, how, first of all the pain, the sciatic pain left. But you know, other things in my body, I felt were kind of happening. But you know, then I probably didn’t have the consciousness that I do now. And I wasn’t really aware of what was happening. So it made me feel pretty good. And just as a little Sideline Story of that as well. Little did I know at the time, but maybe 12 years later, I went to study bowling and remedial massage up in nature care College in Sydney. And I’m in I moved back to Tasmania once again. And where I ended up getting work in an amazing clinic in Salamanca at the massage center. Jen Lowry works there. So we became Yeah, we became friends and colleagues and, and her and another couple of practitioners, they became, you know, my mentors for for that seven or eight years that I work there. Oh,

nice, nice. But I want to dive a little bit into that concept of fascia, because it’s something that we talk about a lot. You Chi Gong actually, how do you, as a holistic practitioner, view that or how would you explain it to someone who’s because it’s not something that’s commonly I think, understood very well.

Right, right. Yes, so fresher is. Fascia is what, in a way supports our body, it’s the, it’s a really strong shape of lining that covers our muscles, our bones, there’s certain kinds of lines through the body where the fascia runs. And just in his example, just to give people maybe a visual on that, you know, when you have like a chicken thigh, a chicken thigh with wood that you’re going to, you know, cut up for to make a dish, there’s this white filmy stuff over the flesh of the chicken. And that’s actually the fascia. So the fascia connects, it’s like a connective tissue that, that holds our body together. But it’s really quiet, it’s a complex, it’s a complex kind of thing. Because within the fascia there is in the fashion, so for example, when we do bone moves, were igniting electrical current through the fascia that run from the body over the muscle belly, often the muscle belly, where we do the moves that runs through the nervous system to the brain, and then back through the body. The is like a, it’s a means of sending messages. And it reverberates through the body, it’s kind of like, you know, hitting if, just say, for example, if I’m working, doing some shoulder moves, or neck moves, bone neck moves, it’s like hitting a guitar string at one end of the string, but it reverberates like, all the way through. So when I’m when I’m activating the fascia, it’s traveling all through the body and affecting a whole lot of stuff.

Because it is connecting all all of the organs, all of the muscles to tendons and the tendons to the bone. And it is so all pervasive, right, and being able to address that directly, I think is a real, a real key factor. And maybe you could talk about the depths that you go to when you press to not go past the fashion but to just hit the fascia.

Then cry right, and yeah, that’s right. You got it. So yeah, with Bowen, I mean, all practitioners work differently, but and you know, this is getting back to when you’re asking what the difference is with other modalities. This is the difference and off gentle pressure and we’re doing gentle pressure over the muscle. So then it’s, it’s it has a profound effect. Sometimes we think we need that really deep, deep work. And there’s nothing wrong with deep work, I love that. But with Bowen therapy, to get that fascia activated, and to, you know, have that effect through the central nervous system, often those more gentle moves are the other moves that make a big difference.

I get it now that that explains a lot, I think for the, for the people listening. And what do you think are some of the common misconceptions about Bowen therapy? And how do you address those?

Yeah, right. Good question. So when I’m seeing a client for the first time, particularly, you know, maybe someone who has had a lot of deep tissue work or, you know, deeper, deeper work, I’ll often say, this is not like massage. So I make that clear. And often I’ll have that conversation before a client books in anyway. Yes, so I will explain clearly that. It’s, it’s very different, and it’s gentle, it’s gentle, but can still have like a huge impact. Does that answer that question? Yeah,

no, perfect. Yeah, yeah. And, um, what about do you have any case studies or success stories? What’s, what’s the typical? Really, thing? That’s the easiest for you to treat? You go bing, bang, boom, done?

Yeah, well, it’s, you know, our bodies are multi dimensional, outpace so. So different clients will be treated in different ways. And this is where bind can be profound. So for example, if, you know, I could have three clients coming in presenting with the same issues, but I may choose to treat them differently. And it depends on people’s backgrounds, it depends on our trauma in the body depends on a whole lot of stuff. But one, one case that comes to mind. And before I talk about this, actually, I just need to say that bond therapy doesn’t just give people like a physical pain relief. But you know, like with muscles, bones, and that kind of thing. We can work on very different levels, we can work on the emotions, the spiritual, and a whole kit and caboodle of things. You know, so I can work with things like frozen shoulder. Sciatica is painful neck and shoulders, headaches. But we can also work with things like hormone imbalances. And one of my profound case studies, and I’ve seen this happen a couple of times, over the 22 years I’ve been practicing. Years ago, I was working at a drop in youth center with street kids, and one of the young women. They were homeless kids, you know, one of the young women that came in, she was having issues with anorexia. And, you know, so we talked a lot about that. And she was really happy to have a few treatments. And so after I was I was doing, I’d kind of set her body up with all the basic realignment and rebalancing moves. And so I knew my intuition told me that I wanted to work on hormone balancing. And so we did some, we did some work, I did some moves. And she had hadn’t had a period like she hadn’t been meant to, for something like six or seven years. She was in her mid 20s. Anyway, in her first session of Bhawan, she came back a couple of weeks later, and she was really blown away. And she said, Jack, I’ve had my first period in, you know, like six years. And we were both like, Oh, wow. And yeah, so you know, sometimes sometimes as a practitioner, and even as the client, you can notice very subtle differences after having treatment. But sometimes there’s just that little miraculous magical stuff that happens. And that was one of those. That was one of those moments, I think

it is and I didn’t realize that it could affect something like you could say hormones, doing Bowen therapy, so it really is Yeah, body body mind mind body approach. Is that Is that correct? Oh that I would bet that’s right. That’s

right. And, like I said, you know, the body is many layers, we’re not just this, you know, we’re not just this physical body were made up of, of so much more. And there is, there’s facets of Bowen, that I don’t understand. But intuitively, I know that it works. And then there’s the scientific side, that I know, you know, and the anatomy, the anatomical and physiological side that I understand. And I know, that works. So we are, as you know, we are, you know, many, many, many different levels in the body, when multi-dimensional. And, you know, I’ve seen, I’ve seen people over periods of time, and myself as well, having had bone treatments, you know, for a long time now, it there can be subtle little changes in it’s a hard thing to explain just in opening up to two different things in life. And, you know, even I’ve seen people who are really quite shy, you know, stand in their own bodies with more confidence and open up to more courage and, and that kind of thing. And for a practitioner, it’s pretty amazing to see. And so obviously, you know, for the client, that can be quite a powerful thing as well, too.

So, would you consider it or put it in the category of a type of energy work? Or would you still call it more of just a mind body connection? How do you how do you approach this therapy technique? Because your as as an energetic, that it’s activating different energetic sites in the body?

Yeah, yeah. Well, I believe I sense I sense and feel that it is a real energetic work. And, you know, sometimes scientifically, it’s hard to prove this stuff, right. But Tom Bowen, the, the Australian guy who actually developed the Bowen technique, back in the early 1950s, he was based in Victoria, he always said that it was a gift from God that he that he could give people. And even though, you know, anatomically, and physiologic pre bone can be explained. I feel personally, and I’m sure Tom bone felt this, even though I didn’t meet him. I think that there’s that deeper level of energy in connection going on with with larger things. That

That makes a lot more sense to me. Fantastic. So you’d said that you mentioned that you’ve worked with people with sciatic or frozen shoulder and things like that. Are there? Are there conditions that go in is not very good for? Are there none of can can do? Yes.

Yeah, well, one of the other things I love about it, and I don’t see it as the be all end all modality. I mean, I love it. It’s profound. It’s powerful. I think our bodies are open to different modalities at different times. So just ask me that question. So there are there

are some types of therapy that are not recommended you wouldn’t recommend for the Bowen practice.

Yeah, right. Thanks. Okay. So with bone, there is no, there is only one, what we call contra indication. And that is there’s only one situation in a clinical sense where we cannot do one particular move on a person. And that’s a particular move. When there’s a pregnant woman. Other than that one move, we can there are no other contraindications. So basically, there’s nothing to stop treating people with all sorts of conditions with bone and from autoimmune diseases to inflammation. You know, even when there’s, you know, even when there’s bruising, and you know, maybe wounds and that kind of thing. Even though we don’t work right over the wound, or over the injury, we can do a lot of gentle work to help release those muscles and get the new Have a system back in alignment and the body more fully balanced. You know, and then that’s the stuff that promotes the healing. Healing.

Gotcha. And we talked about before we started some health tips that you might give for people, how did they practice better self care and maintenance following a bone session or to enhance their bone session? Do you have some some tips for the for everyone listening?

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And this is for law, really, isn’t it for general health, but, you know, just to keep your body hydrated, just drink lots more water, particularly after sessions after treatments. The other is movement, you know, it doesn’t have to be rapid movement. It’s, it can be it can be just like gentle movement, and it’s keeping the fascia and you know, things more moving freely. And the other thing is, just minimize your stress. I think stress can just make us sick. Basically. Stress can put us in not a great place. Yeah.

Fantastic. Well, thank you.


Yeah. Is there anything that that you I missed asking you that you would like to share with the with the people everyone listening? Hmm, there is so much to say about bowling and I’m so passionate an I think I think one of the things is for people just to remain open and non judgmental about it, in terms of it being such a gentle technique it can be quite profound and quite powerful. And you know, so just allow allow any possibility I think allow even when you’re having a treatment.

Awesome .so are you ready for the quick questions that we ask all the energy podcast What is the greatest spiritual lesson in all of this for you?

Yeah, I think just infinite possibilities with healing with infinite possibilities

What is consciousness?

consciousness. consciousness from me is universal higher power something other something bigger

What is your definition of God?

my definition of God is is that as well it is a it’s a higher power or higher consciousness

Where do you feel most at peace with yourself?

I feel most at peace with myself when I’m meditating and when I’m in nature, I think

Do you have a preference Are you a mountain person or a beach person? Are forest

a multi dimensional so I love both of those on different moments

What’s the spiritual book you’ve been given you given as a gift most often?

Oh, yeah, um there’s a few there’s a couple I probably can’t I probably can’t narrow it down to one but the big one you know that’s been around for years is the Louise Hay you can heal your life. And the other one I found really useful for my practice. give to other people is loving what is by Byron Katie. It has to be the power of No at all. And another good one would be happy for no reason by Master shame off.

What do you think happens when we die?

Oh, who knows? Hey, but you know, I probably have a couple of different feelings around this. I don’t know. Personally, I haven’t had that death experience, so to speak, but I think our soul I think something happens with our soul and I don’t know what I like reading About that, that soul stuff. But I also believe we’re we’re really just a bunch of molecules and cells. And I think we go back to the universe and back to the stars somewhere, too. Yeah.

What advice would you give someone just starting out on their spiritual path?

Yeah, I would probably suggest to people I know now at this point in my life, self forgiveness and self love has been really quite, you know, an important thing for me. So I would say to start out with, yes, self love and self forgiveness. And, and I guess, being open. You know, I talk to God a lot. You know, some people find that really weird, but I talk to the universe, I’m connected in that way. Daily. And I would say whatever your belief is there is to just ask for guidance. Yeah.

And what’s the one best way for people to reach you who want more info about your practice? Or about some of the things that you do?

Yeah, just just by mobile, basically. 043829 double 723 people can call me or text me. I’m going to get at, you know, my new clinic and the space that you’ve set up Bob, the longevity and wellness space. In St. Mary’s, I’m going to be beginning practicing from there soon. And yes, so you can probably sell them on

Mondays and part of Tuesday

at this stage Mondays, yeah, in early Feb. And yeah, that’s our beginning point. So I’m excited to be to be practicing from there.

antastic and a few last questions, if you’re ready. I’m just gonna finish these sentences.

The world needs...

More solar power? No. I think the world needs kindness.

I believe in


love is


I would like to thank…

my parents for bringing me into my family and into this world.

I am ready to forgive…

Always, even though it can take a lot of time, always nice.

I want my legacy to be…

hard to say when I’m still living, but probably to leave, probably to leave the world in a better place as much as possible.

That’s fantastic. Jack, I really enjoyed having this time with you today.

You too, Barb. Thanks so much. It’s been fun.

Yeah. And I think it really helps highlight some of the really profound effects that Bowen therapy can have, you know, and I think and I, I’m sure I’m guilty of it in the past as well thinking it’s massage therapy. But it’s Bowen therapy is a completely different technique with a whole lot of layers and levels. That that you’ve helped really helped me understand that.

Yeah, come and try it and have have no expectations just yeah, come and try it.

You’re very well as thick. All right. Take care signing off, guys. Thanks so much. Okay, bye.

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