Vortex Healing Centre Newsletter
2016 ~ What a year it’s been! And we have only just begun!
As our planet is now vibrating at 5D constantly, our physical bodies have had to make quite a few changes to handle the higher frequencies. This is making our life a rollercoaster of ups and downs, physically, mentally and emotionally.
As usual we can make the “ordeal” harder or easier, but what I am finding now is that my body suffers more if I feed it food or drinks that are of a lower vibration. Tragically this includes coffee, alcohol, and most “manufactured” food and drinks. After ignoring the obvious symptoms, (burst of energy then tiredness for the rest of the day) I am now changing up to a diet that resonates on a higher frequency.
Each time I want coffee or lower foods, I now reach for something else and say “For the good of me” !
We are on countdown now for our big weekend of wisdom with the Australian chapter of the 13 Grandmothers and after 20 inches of rain, the place is looking lovely and green again. Thanks to some wonderful work from Leigh and Phil, we now have access to the power sites on the property. We will be walking the “Southern Cross” of power sites on the Sunday. If you are coming to the W O W weekend, please bring good walking shoes. The excitement is building already so I believe we are in for a very special weekend. Magic seems to happen when the Grandmothers get together, it is like groups of people becoming one, it is what I believe is the indigenous story of the hoop closing, or the circle becoming complete. It really needs to be experienced!
Australia: 03 8672 0100 Pass 231879# Sunday Feb 7th @9 am Tassie time
US 1-857-957-1110 231879# Saturday Feb 6th @5 pm NY time