Meditation in its truest sense not only helps people achieve tranquility, calmness, and inner peace but also aids in personal growth. However, some folks have misconceptions about meditation, seeing it as something for hippies or linked with marijuana use. They don’t realise that meditation is practised to enhance the quality of life through clearer thinking.
Guided meditation is where someone leads you through the meditation process, helping you achieve specific outcomes. Many people picture meditation as simply sitting cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, humming repetitively. This isn’t the goal for most, as the true essence is often missing.
Like anything else, meditation should be done with purpose. For instance, you apply for a job for a reason – to earn a monthly income, which you might then use to buy a car, a house, food, or fund holidays. You likely wouldn’t work without a purpose.
Meditation is no different. You need a purpose when meditating, which can vary widely. It might be for inner peace, heightened awareness, relaxation, changing your mental state, boosting learning and creativity, building self-esteem and confidence, focusing on self-healing, managing pain, or overcoming fears. The reasons to meditate are virtually endless.
During guided meditation, you don’t need to be afraid as someone ensures you’re on the right path towards your goals. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose your meditation guide wisely. Different practitioners and experts in guided meditation have varied techniques. They help you explore different meditation paths according to your objectives.
Most meditation experts teach deep breathing techniques to beginners to help them learn relaxation and maintain focus. If you don’t succeed in the initial step, the meditation path won’t work. Remember, meditation guides differ from one another. So, ask for a free meditation lesson before committing to their services.
In one meditation centre, practitioners might guide in dramatically different ways. Ensure you pick the one that suits you best. For example, if you’re seeking new insights about meditation, you might buy a guided meditation CD. Listening to it at home, you might burst out laughing because the digitally altered voice sounds unreal. This tool won’t work for you if you can’t take it seriously, though it might work for others.
Hence, explore different guided meditation styles. You can find them online or at your local bookstore. Guided meditation DVDs, CDs, and videos are widely available. Don’t rush into buying one for yourself or as a gift – check if free samples are available. High-quality meditation programs often allow for viewing and testing. The same applies if you’re considering visiting meditation centres or health retreats. Lastly, guided meditation will be successful if you’re patient enough to commit to regular practice.**