Healing at the Speed of Thought

We were thrilled to be able to interview Peter Siskind recently.

Here's a brief background:

"Long before I developed and named "Healing at the Speed of Thought" I worked on myself and honed my skills. I was lucky to be my own subject. I seemed to have unlimited issues. I felt a lot of "lack of", "unworthiness", "many different fears", "a litany of Vietnam issues", a drug dependency,"unresolved parent issues", "some major physical pain issues", "some psychological and mental issues", being the complete opposite of 'calm and centered' and 'having a quiet mind', and what seemed to be a limitless array of other things, as I peeled away the layers of my being.

While initially scary, the more I uncovered, the more I peeled away... and the deeper I went.

I found I couldn't lie to myself.

Once there, I found a comfort that is beyond words.

I started looking up and saying "Thank You" more and more.

The more I thanked, the more doors opened.

I started to feel I wasn't alone.

Today, I am totally convinced of it.

People in need were either put in front of me or me in front of them.

Everything happens for a reason.

Everything happens when it's time.

I started practicing on others and I moved to a whole, higher level. It felt then, and still now feels, like I am guided. Based on my results, I felt more power and ability. I practiced on friends and acquaintances with amazing results.

I eliminated gallstones in a pregnant woman. I eliminated Lymphoma in a person who had it from her stomach, up her side, through the head, up to, but not including, her brain.

I did stuff even I didn't think was possible.

I started "Healing at the Speed of Thought" ®. The paradox of putting this powerful and limitless concept in a "box" has always made me chuckle. It is the perfect, unexplainable, irony that seems to be ME."

Watch through to the end and get in contact with Peter for me info.

