The Longing for Home
I’ve talked with
many people who have described to me perfectly that homesickness and
longing for “home”, of that otherworldly, other-dimensional
space where infinite love exists. They may have found that “space”
during meditation or ayahuasca or a near-death experience or simply a
remembrance of what lies beyond the veil of human consciousness.
And that longing is
very much part of what is often called a symptom of the ascension
process. As your consciousness awakens even further, it can bring a
strong desire to have the perfect feeling of love and light than many
have felt on “the other side”.
But I ask you to
look more closely at what this is. The longing for home as many call
it is more of an invitation for you to bring your highest awareness to THIS
space to right here, right now. Your infinite self is fully able to
show you that your time is up, and you do go to that next dimension,
but until that time, your infinite self still wants you to BE
BE present here.
So instead of longing to go back there or over there beyond the veil. Think about
why you are still here. Someone, YOU, in your highest form still
wants you here. And while you may have accomplished many things in
your lifetime and achieved many awakened moments, your highest self
still has plans for you right here.
So instead of
fighting the notion that this realm isn’t “as enlightened” or
isn’t “as aware” as you would like it to be, accept the fact
that you are HERE for a reason and you are HERE to bring even more of
your highest self and your memories of the perfect love to this
To THIS time.
To right here, right now.
Your highest self is
asking you to shine your brightest light out to the world, those who
are ready to see, will see and appreciate you for who and what you
are; an enlightened eternal being sharing a human existence.
After my head injury,
I spent a lot of time in another dimension. It was a space of infinite love
and light, peace and harmony. And it was always a crash bang to
return to the present where my physical body was struggling to do
even the most ordinary of tasks and dealing with massive pain in my
head and neck. I asked myself quite regularly why? Why would I want
to remain in this place where the pain was so significant and even more
importantly where I felt that love felt so small compared to how deep and powerful the infinite love felt “over there”.
I wondered why in the world I was still here when the infinite dimension held so much
beauty love and peace.
The answer has taken
me numerous months to formulate. My understanding is that this dream
we live as human beings is a dream we can awaken from at any time.
But we as our highest self has chosen to continue imagining that we
don’t remember, imagining that we aren’t totally aware and
watching the story play out in the same way we watch movies or
Netflix and binge on the stories. We are the story. The truth is
that this infinite love does exist, and we play this human game to
amuse ourselves with how the story will play out this time.
Your infinite self
wants you to keep playing the game of rediscovering over and over
again that you are the enlightened one. You are the awakened one.
It’s like falling in love over and over again. We never actually
tire of the story.
So if you think
you’re tired of this life, just remember, there’s a happy ending
that you already know exists. Where your infinite light and love will
be remembered and you will rejoice.