Okay here’s the week update on the bullet-proof fasting method.
The good news is 3.2 kg or 7 pounds in one week!
Even better news is I’m going to take two full days off and eat everything I can see.
I am feeling a bit tired and sluggish this morning I don’t know if that’s due to the fasting or to the fact that I did not sleep at all last night is freezing cold here and I just could not get warm.
Send a private message if you like to know how I did this and I will be sending out every This week.
I’ve been curious about fasting mainly because I’ve read there are some immune system benefits.
Barbara – that’s fantastic. It is proven that intermittent fasting has huge health benefits. Good for you. Keep us posted.
Spectacular results!!!
Yeah I was very pleased with the results it’s apparently typical from the bullet-proof fast method but I was still very sceptical until I sort for myself