Tag: awareness
The Power of Silence for Beginners
Getting started with Silence My first real meditation retreat was doing a 10 day Vipassana mediation in a corner of Wales with […]
Global Healing Twin Flames Meditation
This meditation will help you recover soul fragments and reconnect with your twin Flame. If you’ve been feeling tired and lonely, or […]
Prepare for Lion’s Gate Energy
The Lions Gate is an amazing opportunity to move forward in your life, knowing that the Universe “has your back”. So many […]
How to Connect to Your Highest Self
This is one of those questions that anyone seeking expanded consciousness or enlightenment has thought about in one form or another. But […]
What’s wrong with trying to MAKE things happen?
There is a huge difference between inspired action and the busy-work when you are trying to MAKE things happen. When you are […]
5 D Meditation
Here’s a deep dive into what the new 5D energies can bring into your life.