The “Ultimutt” Dog Book

The "Ultimutt" Dog Book

The “UltiMUTT” Book for Dog Lovers: If You're Not Covered in Dog Hair, Your Life is Empty!

Some of you may know that we have 16 animals on the property 12 of them rescues.  My story of rescue dogs in particular started when I was 4 years old with my favourite dog on the planet McDuff. McDuff was killed in front of my eyes on a Palm Sunday as we headed out to church.  We had numerous other rescue dogs growing up and spending time with them was an important part of my childhood, so when my children were young, I wanted them to be able to experience the love that dogs bring and we got Milou.

But Milou, a black lab blend from the pound wasn’t like the other dogs. Even with many hours with a trainer, he was still very aggressive with any strangers and children and overly protective of myself and my children.  Great as a protector, not so great when the kids had play-dates.

In the end, Milou’s passing marked the end of an era in my life as well and I’ve been honored to be able to write a chapter in the new book “The “UltiMUTT” Book for Dog Lovers: If You're Not Covered in Dog Hair, Your Life is Empty!”

Amazon link link

Along with 12 other writers, we’ve each added our own stories about what we love about dogs.

For me, they open up the hearts of humans in way that they fear to open them to sometimes even their closest partners.  And for that reason, they are a very key part of raising the consciousness on this planet.  A dog will love you with the purest unbounded love and that helps people to open up their hearts to them in the same way.

So, if you’d like a good read, I’d be honoured if you bought the ebook today. 

I really enjoyed working on this project and meeting such heart-felt authors and their amazing stories of love of compassion between dogs and their human pets.

Let us mail you the book anywhere in Australia
