I think I’m having a stroke…

woman standing at counter in store holding up paper

I for one am grateful that I live in a place where someone is so trusting to give the Postie a key to their house so that they can check in on them when they deliver the mail. It seemed like an odd request at the time. An elderly woman ready to go into an assisted living facility as soon as an opening became available, but still still alone at home until that time. She asked our postie if she could pick up her newspaper for her everyday and come inside and check on her everyday to make sure she was ok.

I thought that some nurse should be doing that but agreed that if this woman thought that was her only option, we were happy to help.

And today, I was substituting for our postie and delivering the mail. So when I dropped off the elderly woman’s newpaper and mail, I could see she was very agitated and said, “ I think I’m having a stroke.” She spoke it clearly and was standing without difficulty so I didn’t know for sure if that was true or not.

But she said, “I’ve called an ambulance.”

And so I waited with her until the ambulance came just moments later.

Grateful that I was able to hold her hand and help her through that moment of sheer panic when she felt all alone in the world and afraid.

And we’ve all felt alone like that at some point in our life.

When we’ve forgotten that we’re this amazing infinite eternal being here for an experience. We’re never really alone because we’re always connected to every other infinite eternal being around us. That we’re all so completely connected.

Yet we forget.

Again and again.

And I for one was grateful to be able to witness and be present.

And grateful to come back to the breath, back to right here right now, to breathe back my own remembrance of who and what I truly am.