A farewell and tribute to James Tyberonn or Tyb as he was known.
Tyb passed away quietly in his sleep but was a huge influence on me. It was his trip to visit the sacred sites of Peru that led to totally life-changing events in my life. At that time, I took the risk, never having heard of Tyb before and he had never run a tour before but he had been a geologist and was taking a small group of his soul family to visit the sacred sites of Peru and Machu Picchu had been on my bucket list and I thought this sounds great.
Little did I know that trip would introduce me to my soul family and to an aspect of myself and lead to series of events so massive that my whole life was turned upside down.
Two years ago we were able to interview Tyb for a chat
And Tyb's work and deep studies about Edgar Cayce's work are revealed in this interview from the Edgar Cayce Institute. Click here for the interview.
I was glad to have a catchup with Tyb in Houston this past Feb, we hadn't seen each other in person in nearly 12 years, but his energy and his guidance was always there.
Tyb was someone who embodied love and wore his "heart on his sleeve" to empathise with everyone.
We'll miss you Tyb.